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More Americans Say Now Is A Good Time To Sell!

The Stovall Team places a premium on customer service, drawing on more than 60 years of combined experience and out-of-the box  thinking to ensure that their Team provides the best customer  experience in the business. CALL US TODAY 714.343.9294 OR 714.393.5377 VISIT StovallTeam.com!!

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Avoid Real Estate Regret

The neighborhood might feel charming and laid-back during a warm Saturday morning open house, but what is it like when you’re driving to work? Or waiting for Sunday church traffic to clear out? Spend some time at your would-be house at all hours of the day and night to find out what it would really…

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Why Millennials Choose to Buy

“The majority of millennials said they consider owning a home more sensible than renting for both financial and lifestyle reasons — including control of living space, flexibility in future decisions, privacy and security, and living in a nice home.”
The top reason millennials choose to buy is to have control over their living space, at 93%.
Many millennials who rent a home or apartment prior to buying their own homes dream of the day that they will be able to paint the walls whatever color they’d like, or renovate an outdated part of their living space.

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United We Stand!

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Telecommuting Today

Changes in technology have brought about one of employees’ favorite workplace trends: telecommuting. Given the benefits it offers, many employees are seizing the opportunity to work from home.        

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Empty Nesters: Best To Remodel Or Time To Sell?

Your children have finally moved out and you and your spouse now live alone in a four-bedroom ranch (or a similar type of house). You have two choices to make: Remodel your house to fit your current lifestyle and needs Sell your house and purchase the perfect home Based on the record of dollars spent on…

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    (714) 343-9294

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