We remember Ronald Reagan at Mile Square Park in 1984 Presidential Campaign. Do you? Share your fondest memories of Fountain Valley, Westminster, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach or Orange County with us @ www.stovallteam.com & www.facebook.com/ FountainValleyRealEstate
Garage Cleaning
With Fall in full-swing you may be considering parking in your garage again. Step 1: Sweep Or Vacuum To Remove Dust & Loose Debris. Every couple of months you should sweep or vacuum your garage floor. That is really the only maintenance it needs on a regular basis. Step 2: Wash Entire Floor With A…
Fall Design Trends
The Fall season brings change. The television is either tuned to sports or new TV sitcoms, or both. We are seeing a Mad Men mania in interior design. The 60’s show is driving a return to mid-century modern with clean lines and bold patterns, in pillows, throws and wallpaper. A way to get in on…
Tips For A Smooth Home Loan Approval
The following DO’s and DON’Ts may help avoid delays with your loan approval. DO’S: 1. DO continue making your mortgage or rent payments on time 2. DO stay current on all existing accounts 3. DO keep working at your current employer 4. DO keep your same insurance company (if this is a refinance) 5. DO…
Fall Organizing
Fall is filled with shorter and shorter days and before you know it, it’s the holidays. It is hard to imagine that Christmas is just 3 months away. Stay organized in less time with storage ideas for everything, including seeds and scarves. Storage containers are available in many price ranges and can even be re-purposed…
Freshen Your Air
Put two tbs of vanilla extract in an oven safe dish or coffee cup, then place it in the oven at 300 degrees for one hour.