If you are planning to list your home for sale in today’s market, call me today at 714.343.9294. I can explain exactly what’s going on in your area and your price range.
Home Prices: The Difference 5 Years Makes
Every day, thousands of homeowners regain positive equity in their homes. Some homeowners are now experiencing values even greater than those before the Great Recession. If you’re wondering if you have enough equity to sell your house and move on to your dream home, contact the Stovall Team today at 714.343.9294! We can help.
Micah Stovall
There are many components to a successful real estate transaction; you can count on us to be there every step of the process and make sure no detail is overlooked. Call us today at 714.343.9294 and visit stovallteam.com
Are Homebuyers Starting To Hit The ‘Pause’ Button?
Numerous reliable measures of buyer activity are reporting that demand is softening. We had a strong buyers’ market directly after the housing crash which was immediately followed by a strong sellers’ market over the last six years. If demand continues to soften and supply begins to grow (as is projected to happen), we will return to a more neutral market which will favor neither buyers nor sellers. This “more normal” market will be better for real estate in the long term. Call the Stovall Team today at 714.343.9294 or email [email protected]
Ask The Experts: STOVALL TEAM.
Call us today at 714.343.9294 We are here to invest in your family’s future with you. At Stovall Team we are focused on helping you understand the process while helping you find your dream home.
Are Home Prices Softening Or Are They Falling?
Appreciation rates are projected to end this year at approximately 5%, and then drop to somewhere between 4-5% next year. This drop in appreciation rate will cause home price increases to soften. Again, evidence shows this does not mean that home prices will depreciate, but instead that they will appreciate more slowly. Call the Stovall Team today at 714.343.9294 if you are interested in buying or selling a home. We are here to help.