Homeowners who purchase their homes before the age of 35 are better prepared for retirement at age 60, according to a new Urban Institute study. The organization surveyed adults who turned 60 or 61 between 2003 and 2015 for their data set. “Today’s older adults became homeowners at a younger age than today’s young adults. Half the…
The Best Time To List Your House? TODAY!
If you are thinking of selling your house this year, the best time to put it on the market might be right now. Let’s sit down together to see whether that is true in your neighborhood. Call me at 714.343.9294.
Posted in Sellers
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Is The Recent Dip In Interest Rates Here To Stay?
Even a small increase (or decrease) in interest rates can impact your monthly housing cost. If buying a home in 2019 is on your short list of goals to achieve, meet with Stovall Team and we will help prepare you to take action.
The Essentials. These are the Top 5 Essential Amenities Buyers are Looking For
Posted in Real Estate News
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Selling Your Home? Make Sure To Work With Stovall Team!
If you’ve ever watched “The Price is Right,” you know that the only way to win is to be the one to correctly guess the price of the item you want without going over! That means your guess must be just slightly under the retail price. In today’s shifting real estate market, where more inventory is coming…