If you are thinking of selling, now may be the time! Demand for your house will be strong at a time when there is very little competition. That could lead to a quick sale for a really good price! Call Micah Stovall at the Stovall Team today at 714.343.9294
Tag Archives: Orange County Real Estate
A Lack Of Inventory Continues To Impact The Housing Market
What Are The Benefits Of Becoming A Homeowner?
There are many financial and non-financial benefits to take advantage of when owning a home. If owning a home is part of your dream, contact us today at 714.343.9294. The Stovall Team can help!
Smart Home Gadget Gift Ideas
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Fountain Valley Market in the Park
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Three Reasons Why Pre-Approval Is the First Step in the 2020 Homebuying Journey
The Stovall Team has strong relationships with lenders who can help you through this process, so partnering with a trusted advisor will be key for that introduction. Once you select a lender, you’ll need to fill out their loan application and provide them with important information regarding “your credit, debt, work history, down payment and residential history.”
Freddie Mac also describes the ‘4 Cs’ that help determine the amount you’ll be qualified to borrow:
Capacity: Your current and future ability to make your payments
Capital or Cash Reserves: The money, savings, and investments you have that can be sold quickly for cash
Collateral: The home, or type of home, that you would like to purchase
Credit: Your history of paying bills and other debts on time
While there are still many additional steps you’ll need to take in the homebuying process, it’s clear why pre-approval is always the best place to begin. It’s your chance to gain the competitive edge you may need if you’re serious about owning a home.