Author Archives: Micah Stovall

How Long Will It Take To Sell My House?

If you want your house to sell fast, you need to work with a professional. Stovall Team understands the current market trends and how to build a strategy around those factors, so your house is set up to sell quickly. You want your house to sell fast. And you may be wondering how long the…

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Renting or Selling Your House: What’s the Best Move?

If you’re a homeowner ready to make a move, you may be thinking about using your current house as a short-term rental property instead of selling it. A short-term rental (STR) is typically offered as an alternative to a hotel, and they’re an investment that’s gained popularity in recent years. While a short-term rental can…

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Does It Makes Sense To Move Before Spring? It Depends on Your Circumstances.

Spring is usually the busiest season in the housing market. Many buyers wait until then to make their move, believing it’s the best time to find a home. However, that isn’t always the case when you factor in the competition you could face with other buyers at that time of year. If you’re ready to…

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Top Reasons Homeowners Are Selling Their Houses Right Now

Some people believe there’s a group of homeowners who may be reluctant to sell their houses because they don’t want to lose the historically low mortgage rate they have on their current home. You may even have the same hesitation if you’re thinking about selling your house. Data shows 51% of homeowners have a mortgage rate under 4% as of…

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Homeownership Is a Great Hedge Against the Impact of Rising Inflation

Stovall Team Real Estate. Micah Stovall,

If you’re following along with the news today, you’ve heard about rising inflation. Today, inflation is at a 40-year high. According to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB): “Consumer prices accelerated again in May as shelter, energy and food prices continued to surge at the fastest pace in decades. This marked the third straight month for inflation above an 8%…

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Get Up. Get Out. Move. It May Make You Happier.

Over the past two years, we’ve lived through one of the most stressful periods in recent history. Because of the health crisis, many of us have spent more time at home and that’s led us to re-evaluate both what we need in a house and how much we appreciate having a safe space. If you’ve…

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