Your children have finally moved out and you and your spouse now live alone in a four-bedroom ranch (or a similar type of house). You have two choices to make: Remodel your house to fit your current lifestyle and needs Sell your house and purchase the perfect home Based on the record of dollars spent on…
These (Mortgage) Rates are on Fire!
How a rate hike will affect home values and the market as a whole is murkier. The tax bill passed in December has numerous implications for housing that may not be fully realized for years to come. Bottom Line When mortgage rates increase, history has shown that prices appreciate (and do not depreciate) during that same time span. Now, more than ever, who you work with matters! Our primary goal is to deliver the highest level of service available to each and every one of our clients. We strive to make each of our listings the best they can be. Is now the time for you to make your move? Call me today at 714.343.9294 Visit stovallteam.com