Time To Sell? Better to Stay Put? Move Up or Downsize?

Are you staying in your home when it no longer suits your needs – physically, financially, or any other way? Are there conflicting reasons that are deterring you from making a move?
When real Homeowners are stuck on bad reasons for staying, they may overlook good reasons for selling and miss out on many levels. Let’s take a closer look….
You desire to Sell your home and you can afford a bigger or better home in an area you love, and you’ve got good financial reasons for selling. We would be happy to provide a plan to acquire the most possible for your present home and negotiate the best possible price & terms for your next home.
You may be distracted by common reasons to stay and not sell. Maybe your children are grown and have moved out or your family has in-creased in size. Maybe adding a room, repurposing you current floor plan or eliminating a pool is the answer?
The Stovall Team can help you with your questions. Take a close look at your decision to stay in your current home. You may discover that you’re actually convinced that this is best to preserve the status quo. Sometimes reducing your concerns to the smallest common denomi-nators can help you see and attend to your needs and desires and eliminate stress and worry.
The Stovall Team has been trained to help Homeowners make in-formed decisions to preserve the best of the status quo while making progress in as many other ways as possible – whether that requires a move or not. Our team will also provide real estate solutions or other recourses for adapting to significant change with the best possible results. This could mean that we may see the flaws in your decision making before you do. They will be happy to point out alternatives that may also apply.
Friends and relatives are often well meaning & eager to give advice but have their own agendas and are limited by their own life experienc-es. They may also have poor decision-making skills. This adds up to them being less help than you or they would like to admit, maybe even a hindrance. The Stovall Team will remain unbiased with our recommendations. Too often, stress related to problems that keep us hanging on to “home” blinds us from decisions that make sense by simply solving problems and relieving stress.

Do you recognize yourself in this list? “I can’t afford to move. “Sellers who say this and believe it are confused by the difference between affordability and value. Sometimes living in a larger home than is needed simply ties up equity and dollars you could spend to live in your dream home.
· Homeowners that live in a property that meets all their needs and fits their budget – that’s affordability – have great reasons to stay and be content. If this is the case for you, sit back and enjoy your home. You will be rewarded as you equity swells.
Sellers that are just scraping by, often by deferring much-needed maintenance and foregoing life’s pleasures, actually can’t afford to stay. These things can lead to homeowners making drastic lifestyle changes. Refinancing or renting out part of the house represents the type of solutions that may make this home affordable. These life style altering solutions may or may not be viable options; it is a matter of personal preference. There are very likely genuinely af-fordable housing options out there. Have you really investigated all your options? The Stovall Team can help you analyze this dilemma.
“I’ve no choice since I can’t afford the areas I really like.” Who says? Real estate values have taken some dramatic shifts and will continue to do so. Most sellers do not know exactly what they could sell for or exactly what comparable housing in their preferred neighbourhoods would cost. The Stovall Team can help answer all your questions regarding neighbourhoods in your area. Take the positive approach, “How can I afford the area I really love?” and find an experienced real estate professional that enjoys achieving a challenging goal.
Call us today for assistance in executing your plan. We can be reached at 714.343.9294 OR 714.393.5377 or visit our website at www.stovallteam.com Sources: Stovall Team

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