Author Archives: Micah Stovall

The Best Use of Time (and Money) When It Comes to Renovations

When it comes to renovations, your return-on-investment should be top of mind. Talk with me, your local real estate professional to find out what projects you should prioritize before you sell and how to highlight your upgrades to maximize your house’s potential.

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The Community and Economic Impacts of a Home Sale

Homebuyers and sellers are economic drivers in their community and beyond. If you’re thinking of buying or selling, reach out to Stovall Team today at 714.343.9294 to start the process. It won’t just change your life; it’ll make a powerful impact on your entire community.

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Dreaming of a Bigger Home? Why Not Buy It This Year?

Are you clamoring for extra rooms or a more functional floorplan in your house? Maybe it’s time to make a move. If you’ll be able to work remotely for the long-term or your overall needs have simply changed, it’s a great time to sell your house and move up. Why? With mortgage rates in their…

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Experts Say Home Prices Will Continue to Appreciate

Ready to make your move?  If you’re concerned about making the decision to buy or sell right now, contact Stovall Team today at 714.343.9294 to discuss what’s happening in our local market.

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Should You Sell Your House Now?

There’s no doubt that 2021 is the year of the seller when it comes to the housing market. If you’re a homeowner thinking of moving to better suit your changing needs, now is the perfect time to do so. Low mortgage rates are in your favor when you’re ready to purchase your dream home, and high buyer demand may…

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Why This Is a Great Year to Sell Your Vacation Home

We all want a vacation. This may be the year to sell your vacation home and here’s why. The demand for vacation homes has increased and will continue to rise as we head into summer. If you own a house in a destination area and have thought about selling, now is a great time to take advantage of today’s high buyer interest. Contact Stovall Team today at 714.343.9294 to discuss the opportunities in your local market.

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